New Year means New Goals
It’s the start of a new year and with that comes the innate desire (fuelled by cultural ideologies) to ‘get your life in check.’ A refresh of any social media feed, quickly highlights the excessive promotion of ’empowering oneself to take charge of their life by strategically mapping out their next steps.’
- ‘How to create your ultimate vision board.’
- ‘Finding your purpose this year.’
- ‘Goal setter goal getter.’
- ’10 habits to establish in order to achieve your goal.’
Now, don’t get me wrong- I’m an advocate for keeping motivated; setting healthy habits and boundaries, and most importantly, outworking gifts and passions. However, when does our desire to control this narrative detract away from what God has planned?
I haven’t hit many of the goals I thought I would have by thirty, but that’s okay.
Let me tell you that for the majority of my twenties, I had it all strategically planned out: Where I’d live; what I’d do; what kind of man I’d be married to by now (still waiting- patiently may I add). I’m a planner, what can I say?

As I move towards exiting my twenties, I find myself having a deep revelation of what it means to trust Him fully. Coupled with the many ‘Ohhh I get it now’ epiphanies, have been a constant reminder of Jeremiah:
‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’
Jeremiah 29:11
Our number one goal is God. Since we have him, we have everything.
Ultimately, if it’s not in accordance with His will and what God has called of us and from us, then we can find ourselves travelling along a self-seeking and self-satisfying path that leads us in the opposite direction of a fulfilling abundant life, found only through Him.
So what do we do?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
- Trust in the Lord with all your heart– to trust is more than head knowledge. It’s a sacrificial surrender that acknowledges that His ways are higher than mine.
- Do not lean on your own understanding– it’s not always going to make sense but His heavenly principles exceed my Earthly standards.
- In all your ways acknowledge Him– at every decision, I place Him first and seek his approval and direction.
- He will make straight paths– no matter where I find myself, He has the power and the desire to see all that he has spoken come to completion. Through Christ, I am made whole.
Set Goals and Pursue them, but Hold them Lightly – God May Have Other Plans
So, does that mean that we walk around aimlessly and unprepared? No.
Does that mean we can’t plan ahead, and be proactive? No.
What it does mean however, is that I have to have faith even when the outcome is not what I had initially perceived or planned. What it does mean is that I have to trust that God’s ways and plans are higher than mine because He is my author and creator.
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Abide: How to Create Simple Rhythms that Connect you to God
Atomic Habits – a great book on how to set simple and small goals that yield great results