Study the Whole Bible By Mastering Two Simple Diagrams.
You’re hungry. Hungry to read your Bible. Hungry to find the God that leaps off the page. Whether your church does a ten-minute homily or hour-long exegesis, it’s not enough to complete the mammoth task at hand: learning the whole Bible.
That’s where this book comes in. Starting with dividing the Bible into Old and New Testament, we are going to summarise each Testament in one diagram. From there, we will slowly walk through the entire Bible.
Two Testaments. Two diagrams. Two pages.
Welcome to the Two Page Bible.
Discover the context of the Old and New Testaments.
Learn how Jesus is the central point of the Scriptures.
The Big Story
Understand how the whole Bible fits together in six simple sessions.

The Problem
We love the Bible and believe it’s the Word of God. But sometimes when we open it, the language doesn’t make sense, the books are in a weird order and the genealogies, commands and talking donkeys are overwhelming.

The Solution
Starting with Genesis and finishing with Revelation, this book will help you discover the context of the Old and New Testaments.
From there, we will break each Testament down into bite-size chunks and slowly walk through the Scriptures. Two Testaments. Two diagrams. Two pages.

Educating, encouraging and empowering.
– Harriet Wardle, Educator
What a great discipling experience.
– Malcolm Baxter, Pastor
Abide is not theories and ideas, it’s reality and truth.
– Mark Ritchie, Evangelist