Historians estimate that Jesus was born in 4BC, in a town called Nazareth (Northern Israel). In 1st Century Israel, sexism, racism, human-trafficking and state-sponsored murder were everyday realities. Women weren’t allowed to testify in court. Slavery was the backbone of the economy. Even Jesus’ own cousin John was executed by a corrupt government.

Yet Jesus never declared war against Rome, march for women’s rights or abolish the slave trade. That’s not to say that he didn’t care; he found creative ways to usurp the system.
However, out of all the global ills Jesus encountered, he focused all his attention upon one enemy – sin.
Jesus stepped into our world to rid us of the problem behind all problems.
To convince us that we are loved beyond measure.
To remind us of the devastation that happens at our hands when we step outside that love.
To crush the head of the Enemy, who convinces us that a life is better without God.
To reconnect us back to God. In other words, succeed where Adam and Eve failed.
Jesus came to restore to you a people you call family, a place you call home and a creator that made you to bring beauty out of chaos.