Taking drugs was all about having fun for me; parties, raves and festivals. I didn’t take drugs to run away from depression, it really was about the good times, but it got dark…
When Drugs Led me to a Dark Place
One evening, after lines of MDMA (amongst some other legal highs), my friends and I went to a Nero gig. I was in hell. Unsettling voices I couldn’t recognise kept chanting my name. People’s faces deformed out of shape. Shivers ran down my spine. It was scary. I felt so far away from the presence of God and I went back to my tent.
I went home that weekend to a week full of nightmares and heaviness (not to mention the post bender come-downs).

Unsettling voices I couldn’t recognise kept chanting my name. People’s faces deformed out of shape. Shivers ran down my spine.
How Prayer, People and the Power of the Spirit Led me to Joy
One year later, by which point I had finally given my life to Jesus, someone asked if they could pray for me. I said yes.
As they prayed, I felt an ecstasy-like joy run through me. In that moment, I realised the happiness drugs can give you is just a copycat of the joy you can find in God. As cliché as it sounds, it was the joy of the Lord! All the high, and no comedown.
For months after I was thanking God that the fullness of joy really is in His presence! His joy is truly my strength.
If you struggle with Drugs or a Lack of Joy…
I want this joy to be yours too. How about we start with God’s word. Here are some helpful Bible verses about joy. Save the images and use them as your phone backgrounds for a little reminder to find joy everyday.

Let’s Talk or Professional Help
If you’re struggling with drugs, addiction or a lack of joy, don’t hesitate to DM us on the agonizo IG, or send us an e-mail. We all struggle, let’s do it together.
For professional help, here in the UK we have Addaction, Talk to Frank and Support Line.