Learn the Art of Discipleship in 10 Simple Lessons.
Abide appears in the book of 1 John more than twenty times. By abiding in Jesus, we find our way to our best life. That sounds nice, but how do you actually abide? This book is the beginner’s guide to discipleship: starting a life with God.
Find Rhythm
Build your life on the love of God and learn to create a pace of life that leads to deep growth.
Learn Bible
Learn how to read the Bible for yourself and discover how the scriptures all fit together.
Discover Community
Discover how to take off your mask and find authentic community: people that love the real you.

The Problem
We’ve been taught how to read our Bibles badly, are dissatisfied with our prayer lives and have reduced worship to singing. Yet we love our Bibles, want a more intimate prayer life and worship to touch every area of our lives. Likewise, we struggle with mental health, have way too many superficial friendships and find ourselves in the hurricane of culture wars from gender, to race, to politics and everything in between.
We thought we’d found something. A theology. A tribe. A promotion. A mentor. A discipline. A party. A spouse. And when another pastor gets busted for embezzling money (James McDonald), abusive leadership (Mark Driscoll) or exploitation of church members (SPAC Nation), our world falls to pieces.
The Solution
We are searching. This is not any search. It’s the search. The search for someone, not something. Someone that will do the wrestling for us. Someone that will, finally, let us breathe. If that’s you, you’ve already met that person. This book is about staying in him. Stop searching; in Christ you’ve found what you’ve been looking for the whole time.

Experience the fullness of joy that is the promised fruit of abiding in him and he in us.
– Thando Zulu, Artist Manager
What a great discipling experience.
– Malcolm Baxter, Pastor
Abide is not theories and ideas, it’s reality and truth.
– Mark Ritchie, Evangelist